Practical examples

Practical examples

In this section, we present a number of examples that show how to use Harlequin in a number of practical situations. All the examples are meant to be short and easy to follow; the ideas provided here can help the reader in build more complex scripts and simulations.

Scanning strategy

Creating a scanning strategy

In this exercise, we take the definition of the scanning strategy of a CMB space mission and create a ScanningStrategy object.

We choose the scanning strategy devised for the PICO mission proposal (Hanany, 2019), described in Sect. 4.1.2. Once we have created the object, we use the Plots package to draw a diagram:

sstr = ScanningStrategy(
    spin_rpm = 1,
    prec_rpm = 1 / (10 * 60),      # Precession period is 10 hr
    hwp_rpm = 0.0,                 # No half-wave plate for PICO
    spinsunang_rad = deg2rad(26),
    borespinang_rad = deg2rad(69),

α β β

This matches Fig. 4.2 in the PICO report.

Note that Harlequin already provides a few [ScanningStrategy] objects for some notable CMB space proposals (see Pre-defined scanning strategies).

Generating a sequence of pointings

You can use the function genpointings! to produce a matrix containing the colatitude, longitude, and polarization angle for each sample in a span of time.

In the following example we generate 5 minutes of data, using the scanning strategy of the CORE mission proposal and assuming that the beam is along the boresight direction. We sample the pointing direction once every 0.1 s:

using Plots

time_span = 0 : 0.1 : 5 * 60
result = genpointings(
    Float64[0, 0, 1],         # Beam direction
    0.0,                      # Start value for the polarization angle psi

theta, phi, psi, x, y, z = (result[:, colidx] for colidx in 1:6)

plot(time_span, rad2deg.(theta), label="",
     xlabel="Time [s]", ylabel="Colatitude [deg]")
0 100 200 300 25 50 75 100 125 Time [s] Colatitude [deg]

Producing a hit map

Producing a hit map usually requires to consider huge spans of time. Therefore, it is advisable to pre-allocate the pointing matrix and use genpointings! instead of genpointings within a for loop.

We follow the example above (Generating a sequence of pointings), but this time we use the PICO scanning strategy. We simulate one day of observations with a beam aligned along the boresight direction, and we produce a Healpix map with NSIDE = 256, using the Healpix.jl package. Note that we take advantage of SegmentedTimeSpan to split the day into segments of 24 hours.

using Healpix
using Plots     # To use "plot" with Healpix maps

sts = SegmentedTimeSpan(
    start_time = 0.0,
    sampling_time = 0.1,
    segment_duration = 3600,  # One hour
    num_of_segments = 24,     # One day of observations

hitmap = Map{Float16, RingOrder}(256)

beam_dir = Float64[0, 0, 1]   # Boresight direction

pointings = Array{Float64}(undef, length(sts[1]), 6)

# Loop over each hour
for cur_timespan_s in sts
        pointings,   # The result is saved here

    # Project the pointings on the sky sphere
    theta, phi = (pointings[:, colidx] for colidx in (1, 2))
    pixidx = ang2pix.(Ref(hitmap), theta, phi)
    hitmap[pixidx] .= 1

# Show the hitmap
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Estimating the fraction of sky covered by a scanning strategy

In this example, we produce a plot which shows the fraction of the sky covered by the CORE scanning strategy as a function of time. It takes a number of ideas from the examples shown above.

using Healpix
using Plots

sts = SegmentedTimeSpan(
    start_time = 0.0,
    sampling_time = 0.1,
    segment_duration = 60,   # One minute
    num_of_segments = 60,    # One hour of observations

hitmap = Map{Float16, RingOrder}(512)

beam_dir = Float64[0, 0, 1]   # Boresight direction

pointings = Array{Float64}(undef, length(sts[1]), 6)

mins = Int64[]  # This will hold the minutes (X axis of the plot)
fsky = Float64[] # This will hold the sky fraction (Y axis)

# Loop over each minute
for (cur_min, cur_timespan_s) in enumerate(sts)
        pointings,   # The result is saved here

    # Project the pointings on the sky sphere
    theta, phi = (pointings[:, colidx] for colidx in (1, 2))
    pixidx = ang2pix.(Ref(hitmap), theta, phi)
    hitmap[pixidx] .= 1

    cur_fsky = length(hitmap[hitmap .> 0]) / length(hitmap)
    push!(mins, cur_min)
    push!(fsky, cur_fsky)

# Show the hitmap
plot(mins, fsky .* 100, label="",
     xlabel="Time [min]", ylabel="Sky fraction [%]")
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [min] Sky fraction [%]

Noise simulations

Running a Monte Carlo simulation

To be written!


To be written!